So however we feel about Madonna-mantis nowadays, no one can deny that she had some DEFINITE JAMS. One of our favorites of the above-mentioned jams was a 1983 tune called 'Burnin Up,' which was actually Madge's first ever single. It didn't dent the Hot 100, but did peak in the top 3 of the dance charts, and set the Material Monster up for her worldwide dominance that she enjoys from her macrobiotic oxygen pod today.
So when we heard that Britney was planning a cover of the song we were understandably VERY EXCITED. And then we heard a clip and we were VERY VERY EXCITED. And now the full version has leaked and it is KIND OF AMAZING.
Sure, it sounds like a b-side, and yeah it doesn't top the original, but who here really expected that it would? The answer is no one.
The Wanted's new song is a step in a very "now" direction, but while many artists and groups are ruined by blindly following trends, it just so happens that the club-banger-hands-in-the-air thing suits the boys from the band very well indeed.
We first brought you the sexual pun of a song a couple weeks ago, and now the gents have ramped up promotion for the tune with a music video. It all starts off with some big titles in white letters and then some shots of the guys in the band and then some more letters and HOLY SHIT THEY'RE NAKED.