Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So the Lady Gaga 'Alejandro' is finally here - watch the premiere now!!

Here is the Lady Gaga video (amazing).  It is 9 minutes long (ridiculous).   It is black and white sort of but at the same time not (amazing). 

ScopiSat has made it no secret this is our favorite track from 'Fame Monster,' with its Ace of Base beat and overdramatic flair.  The video, then, had a lot to live up to.  Never one to disappoint, the Lady has offered up a taut, other-worldly adventure where women lord over buff male models with their eyepieces and have guns strapped to their boobies.  All in all it's very 'Gaga' which is great, but in danger of getting a little old.  Chalk this one up as a big win for pop but with the caveat that it's certainly not going to win Miss Germanotta any new fans.  To be fair, though, is there really anyone left that hasn't made up their mind about the star yet? 

In the interest of full disclosure we should tell you that we weren't really feeling the clip, until exactly 5:37 when something INCREDIBLE happens and the remainder becomes something of a masterpiece. Just when we think the whole 'Gaga world domination' thing has turned a corner she pulls it back from the brink and wins our sad, doubting asses over. 

'Alejandro' is out for download now.


Unknown said...

looks like a Madonna video... like she morphed Erotica, Express Yourself and Give It To Me into one video..... why doesn't anyone call her out on this? whatever, give me a mountain of hot people making out in their underwear and a giant white inflatable elephant any day over this.

Charlie said...

This video is all about numbers:
Number of people who seemingly directed this video: 37
Number of ideas pitched to Gaga: 2187
Number of ideas accepted by Gaga: 2180
Number of people who ultimately understood what the video was about: 1
Number of times I laughed at machine gun bra: 2
Number of times I thought "Lady Gaga looks ill": 18
Number of times I thought of Madonna while watching this video: 10
Percentage chance someone will try to explain this to me and fail: 100%