Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert gets gay on ABC primetime with 'For Your Entertainment' - is gay finally ok? Watch now!

Following on from our J.Lo post, another of the acts to perform last night at the AMA's was Adam Lambert. While he was one of the few to sing live, he didn't sound very good at all. Luckily no one was listening because they were too busy being shocked by his simulation of oral sex with a male dancer, gay kiss, and general thrusting and writhing. The interwebs are all up in arms about what this means and how society will either be elevated to a higher plane or crumble completely because of what we witnessed. ScopiSat remembers when Madonna being sexual was a big deal because 'that's not how a lady should act - only men can get away with it.' She helped to rid the world of the antiquated notion that women could not exhibit desire or be overtly sexual. It's the same idea that gay men constrained by now - America is fine with its Will Trumans and Clay Aikens, gays who don't really do much about their desires. They might hold a guy's hand but any overt sexuality is hidden beneath good grooming and moisturizer. So, are we witnessing the "sexualization" of the gay man? And if we are, are we sure Adam Lambert is the guy we want up there doing it??

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