Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alphabeat cast The Spell on us

Alphabeat always rubbed ScopiSat just a little the wrong way (delightful single 'Boyfriend' notwithstanding) but this new track just may change our minds. While everyone else is stuck doing 80's schtick (I'm looking at you, Ladyhawke), Alphabeat one-upped them all and decided to go 90's schtick. All it's missing is a Real McCoy-style rap in the middle eight and some repeat plays on 'Open House Party.'

The single is out soon, with album 'The Spell' to be released October 19 in the UK, both on the band's new label Polydor


John said...

I'd actually say it's more late-80s. Expose would cut a bitch for this single if it meant a comeback!

Stephen Woods said...

Hell, *I* would cut a bitch for an Expose comeback.