Monday, April 11, 2011

BRITNEY and RIHANNA sing TOGETHER on DUET - listen now

...and then the autotune machine exploded
The entire world (read: the world of teenage girls and some gays) has come crashing down today at the news that Rihanna and Britney have recorded a track together.  It's clearly a RED LETTER MOMENT IN POP HISTORY on par with the Beyonce/Gaga collab... unless it isn't.  Which it's not.

You see, the whole thing started when the Def Jam Recordings intern who tweets as Rihanna asked who RiRi's fans most wanted her to sing with.  The answer was Britney - which is good because it is the correct answer, and also because Britney + Rihanna = awesomesauce.

Apparently Britney took the news super well, cause she phoned in some vocals to Rihanna's answering machine and some producer chucked them onto a karaoke track of 'S&M' for us all to enjoy.

So yeah, not the WORLD CHANGING POWERBALLAD SLASH POPPERS-O-CLOCK-CORKER we would have liked, but whatever we'll take what we can get. 


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