Saturday, October 24, 2009

Listen to Toni Braxton's new track 'Woman' (video)

So the Toni Braxton comeback train continues to sputter up the mountain muttering 'I think I can, I think I can.'  We personally hope that it can and in fact DOES, because we're totally digging Toni's new track, called 'Woman.'  It's what the kids are calling a 'slow jam' but we choose to imagine the single package containing some balls-out club mixes and promotion including a live performance with a wig and dancers and a retrospective video intro with clips from 'Breathe Again' and 'He Wasn't Man Enough.' 

We all can dream can't we :(

Toni's new album 'Pulse' will be out in February, and here's hoping it all goes to plan for her - the famously bankrupt warbler could certainly use a break

Lets all listen to the new Leona Lewis album sampler (clips)

So everyone is expecting the Leona Lewis album to be quite good.  The only question seems to be where on the 'amazing scale' the project will end up.  As we've already discussed in a post that we're too busy to find and link to, the cover photo starts things off in fine fashion.  Lead single 'Happy' kept the momentum, and now we can sample all the tracks and begin to compose what people have started calling an 'informed opinion.' 

'Echo' is out Nov 16/17 depending on your country's release date, on Syco/J Records/Sony

It's Scopitone Saturday!!

This week's Scopitone is very good for several reasons.  Reasons like:  in it people go bowling, and in it people go bowling in smoking jackets.

Yes.  Very good indeed.